Which interventions work?
Find interventions that have a positive effect according to research
What works for the target group Interventions with positive effect
New studies since 3/23/2023 New submitted studies
What is Jobeffekter.dk?
Jobeffekter.dk was developed by the Danish Agency for Labour Market and Recruitment in cooperation with a number of independent researchers. Jobeffekter.dk is a knowledge bank that gathers and disseminates relevant knowledge about what works on the labour market.

What can Jobeffekter.dk be used for?
Jobeffekter.dk provides an overview of what works on the labour market. The portal can help you find inspiration for labour market interventions, relevant studies for your thesis or input for political decisions.

How to use Jobeffekter.dk
1) Select the target group and intervention for which you want to find the job effect 2) Read about which interventions work in term of getting the target group into the labour market.

Submit your study
If you have a research study on the effects of labour market interventions that you want to publish on Jobeffekter.dk, then click here.

Share the result
Include Danish and international research results in your work by printing, sending or saving the result of your search.

Collection of high-quality studies
Jobeffekter.dk contains 500 Danish and international research studies on effects within the labour market. The studies have been selected, quality-assured and entered by independent researchers.

Calculations and weighting
The studies vary in quality and relevance and therefore they are weighted in the calculation of the overall conclusion on the effect. The quality, analytical method, combination factor and if the study is published in a scientific journal all weight in on the effect. Click here to read more.

What is the job effect?
The job effect is based on the results of the studies and shows the overall conclusion on effect. The overall conclusion on the effect is positive, for example, if the majority of the research shows that the intervention gets the target group into employment.