About the search

On Jobeffekter.dk you can search in job effects for certain groups and interventions.

In addition to search the job effect, you can filter your search with regard to gender, age, level of education and other characteristics as well as define the effect you want to find in terms of effect measurement and effect type. There are, thus, many possibilities, and in the following, we have described some relevant search scenarios.  

Scenario 1: Does a given intervention work for a particular target group?

You are interested in knowing whether a specific intervention can get a particular target group in employment and have therefore chosen to click on one target group and one intervention. In this scenario, one job effect result will be shown, which can either be "Positive", "Negative", "No effect", "Few studies" or "Contradictory knowledge". If you do not get any results, it is because no research results have been added for the intervention and the target group. Besides seeing whether the intervention works for the target group, you can also see whether the intervention works for the target group in combination with other interventions. You can see this by clicking on combination interventions. 

Read more about the job effect

Scenario 2: What works for a given target group?

You are interested in a particular target group and have therefore only clicked on one target group in the search. In this scenario, the job effect for all interventions that have been added as research results on Jobeffekter.dk will be shown. You might only be interested in what works for the target group, whereby you should choose "Only positive" results. Hereby, only the interventions that have a significant positive effect with respect to getting the target group in employment, self-support, out of unemployment or fit to return to work will be shown.

Read more about the target group.

Scenario 3: Who does a particular intervention work for?

You are interested in a particular intervention and have therefore only clicked on one intervention in the search. In this scenario, you will be shown the job effect for all interventions that have been added as research results on Jobeffekter.dk. You might only be interested in who the intervention works for, whereby you should choose "Only positive" results. Hereby, you will only get shown the target groups where the intervention has a significant positive effect with respect to getting the target group in employment, self-support, out of unemployment or fit to return to work. 

Read more about the interventions.

Scenario 4: What effects does a given intervention have for a particular target group?

You are interested in whether one given intervention has several effects for a particular target group, why you also have chosen to define the effect in the search. In this scenario, you will be shown the job effect for the chosen effect measurements as well af for the effect type. The job effect will be based on research results, concerning the chosen effect measurements and effect types. If you don't define the effect measurement and effect type, then the study results for the primary effect measurements, employment, self-support, unemployment and fit to return to work, will be shown automatically. 

Read more about the effects